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Autodesk Maya 2018.5 Win x64 Mac: Explore the New Features and Improvements


Autodesk Maya 2023.3Animation:- Crash when accessing light data in shader node's compute- Crash using Blue Pencil when playing back with Graph Editor open- Freeze scrubbing Time Slider after importing geometry cache exported with FPS setting of 23.976- Pitch difference when Playblasting with Time Editor audio- Animation layers do not preserve transformation when rotation order is changed- Delay in evaluation when Line Width of nurbsCurve is controlled by an attributeAnimation Performance:- Cached Playback : nParticles scene with gameVertexCount plugin loaded crashes on playback- Cached Playback : Objects with animated visibility are displayed at the originFoundation:- Missing dependencies in Maya 2023 Linux package- Missing XGen dependencies in the Maya Linux deployment package- MLibrary applications crash on exit- Lost namespace if scene includes namespaced expression and Cached Playback is enabled- Camera Bookmark Editor 'Apply' button not working- Qt UIs don't show specific icon images on Windows- Maya failing to load via File->Recent Files- Error attempting to remove reference when using a relative file path- Crash in TmidCompConvert- Artifact shadows appear when raising and lowering a polygon faceRigging:- Copy Skin Weights between NURBS and polygons does not work- Deformed NURBS surface breaks when painting weights- Auto-save repositions Influences list in the Paint Skin Weights Tool SettingsUI:- Cannot restore workspace control when the control UIs are arranged in a 2x2 grid- UI scalability issue selecting Cluster handleUSD:- [github #2093] UFE: Printing rename command with UFE strings returns "none"- Crash: Duplicate within plugin's activate method- [GitHub#2196] Build script is making an assumption on the generator when one isn't supplied- [GitHub#1949] Group pivot center and origin behavior are flipped for USDViewport:- Support for multiple paths with SHADERFX_CUSTOMUSERPATH- VP2 : Isolate Select is not working as expected in DX11 modeAutodesk Maya 2023.1Animation:- Bend deformer deletion also deletes transform- Parts of the playblast audio are lost when the audio frame range is adjusted in Time Editor- Copy Skin Weights broken when more than one mesh used as source- Timeslider Bookmark does not auto-load- Audio plays twice in Camera Sequencer playblast- Crash in rigs using xformMatrix plug on transforms- Crash rotating the controllers on a splineIK rig- Keying a large number of attributes in animation layers is extremely slow- Merging animation layers breaks texture display with UV tiling- HIK rig in Parallel Evaluation mode crashes on loadFoundation:- Shelf icon label cannot be saved- Crash when switching workspace- Export selected also exports referenced editsMA files- Graph Editor : Cannot copy/paste keys if the script editor window is underneath- Graph Editor : Pressing "F" to frame keys brings the Hypershade to the foreground- Error when querying attributes on uvPin node through API- Crash opening Alias wire model- Vanishing surfaces when WIRE import using Aruba tessellation and stitching- Show/hide commands can modify locked/connected visibility attributes- Slow save performance with mayaAscii files when using long string attributes with new lines- Crash when python sequence object is passed to objectType command- Plugin compiled with "-ffast-math" causes Maya to crash for certain operationsModeling:- F To frame components In Isolated View will frame entire mesh- Snapping : Incorrect component snapping- When referencing a skin mesh with history, "Non-Deformer History" will break the skin's weight- Cache: Moving faces and edges are slower than vertices after Remesh- Multi-Cut tool not working after starting Maya in DirectX 11 mode- Removing locked components from a mesh is slow- Viewcube disappears clicking multi-cut tool in Modeling toolkit- Bool : Large list of inputs will offset the Bool Stack options menu for operation and display typeSecurity:- Performance regression when running a mel scriptUI:- zoom with alt + mouse scroll wheel not working- Copy > Paste with MMB causes double paste in Script editorUSD:- MaterialX/USD : V2 lighting should support ambient lights- Selection changes trigger instance matrix updates, and that is slow- Some Skinning becomes broken after USD Export and Import- Outliner : When parenting an item to an unloaded group, the hierarchy cannot be collapsed- Load with descendants collapses expanded sibling hierarchies- When parenting a prim to a collapsed group, it auto-expands the group- USD : Animation performance very slow on certain assets - USD reports animated mesh topology- USD : Exporting the attached maya file using USD takes extremely longViewport:- Toggling off Hold-Outs in the Show menu shows incorrect material color- Image planes cannot be selected in some cases- MPxGeometryOverride selection bug when vertices drawn through MUIDrawManager::lineStrip- VP2 : MPxContext::drawFeedback not being cleared when camera is moved- Selection priority of joints and selection handles is the same in VP2- VP2 : Normals Display Scale does not work on NURBS surfaces- OGS detecting wrong GPU memory limit on certain Intel GPU systems (1024)- Standard Surface displays black if UDIM file texture is connected to multiple channels- Cannot select face with default material option enabled- Reparenting can break material bindings in the Viewport- Provide feedback when setting uvTilingMode=3 to load tile textureAutodesk Maya 2022.3Animation:- Crash when copying skin weights- CPU blendshape does not match GPU deformation- Crash in TvertexEdgeIterator::edgeVertex when saving due to threading issue- Blendshape forces upstream driver/inputTarget deformers on CPU- Setting influence type on Wrap deformer causes crash- CompressUndo has incorrect behavior- Camera Sequencer : Crash when shot name contains only numbers- Mac HiDPI : 3D Cut and Sew UV Tool preselection highlighting is brokenAnimation Performance:- Cached Playback : Deformer results can be affected by background caching. Deformers affected: Wrap, ProximityWrap, Cluster, DeltaMush, FFD (Lattice), FuncDeformer, Tension, Solidify, Wire, ProximityPin, UVPin- Unable to attach deformer to individual nParticles- Parallel Evaluation : Motion trail does not update when edited in the Graph Editor- NCloth shapes appear with no 3D shading when Cached Playback is offFBX:- FBX export mesh with bones incorrectly assigns Lambert materialsFirst Experience:- AppHome triggering a crash at launch- Perspective grid settings are not workingFoundation:- Custom Transform does not work with rotate manipulator in object space- Crash from nodes with compound and time attribute connections- Crash when deleting objects that use Look Through Selected- Mayapy crashes with kMayaExiting callback- Copying referenced node's name from Attribute Editor triggers Maya's node copy/paste.- Crash if textScrollList has no fontModeling:- Using sculpting tools such as Relax will make faces disappear- Crash using Soft Select in Modeling Toolkit- Linux and Mac : Crash when point snapping pivot- Undo : Not working for the new Primitives- DX11 : Crash when using Move Tool and point snapping- Not all texture files are displayed in Texture Centric UV linking window- Extrusion crash in CollectLines or CollectFacets functionRendering:- File node performance slows down in Node Editor because of OCIO settingRigging:- Right-click changes componentFallof painting target- Match transform does not work with HIK effectors/custom transforms- GoToBindPose problem with Joints having Offset Parent Matrix values- Cmds.controller prints that it is selecting a controller- Deleting proxy attribute and saving the scene causes crash- GPU Override : Attribute does not update correctly with mouse drag in Attribute Editor/Channel Box- Disconnecting solver from an IK Handle causes crash- Morph : Mirror mode crashes with component lookup- Crash when using Wire deformer with custom deformer weights- Undo/redo in Node Editor after saving can cause a crash- ParentConstraint Attribute Editor template breaks with multiple constraints driving multiple targetsUI:- Mac Big Sur : Maya switches Mission Control space when invoking Hotbox marking menu in fullscreen mode- Show > Objects filter of Node Editor inside Hypershade is inconsistent in Maya with different languagesUSD:- Export selection with animation does not export animation- USD : Shadows not cast properly in certain casesViewport:- Transparent back faces are incorrectly occluded by transparent front faces- MRenderer::render can't render namespaced cameras in batch mode- Inconsistent joint click detectionKnown Limitations:- Arnold Hydra viewport fails after object selection with USD 0.13.0 and MtoA With the MayaUSD 0.13.0 plug-in, the Arnold Hydra viewport stops working after you select an object. This issue does not occur with MayaUSD 0.12.0. See the details on GitHubAutodesk Maya 2022.2Animation:- Bullet physics pivots are not updated when constraints or rigidbodys are moved- Colored keyframes are all the same color on the Timeline- Tangents are not correctly applied via the setKeyframe command when running in mayapy/batch mode- MGPUDeformerBuffer of the targetGeometry is INVALID in the basicMorphGPUDeformer::evaluate() function- Morph forces upstream morphTarget/driver deformers onto CPU- Crash with Key Reducer Filter Preview when Time Range set to All- Camera Sequencer : Sound hitch when switching between audio clipsAnimation Performance:- GPU Override : Animated material is causing scene graph to be constantly repartitioned- Parallel Evaluation : AnimLayers that have single keys are not evaluated- Parallel Evaluation : Crash scrubbing Timeline when nucleus nodes are present- Crash when pulling on matrix as Xform and matrix- Crash when evaluating multi attributes with mix of static and animated attributes- Parallel Evaluation : Slow Viewport refresh with scenes using LOD groups- Cached Playback : Crash from attributes pulling animation from multiple animated condition nodes- Parallel Evaluation : Keys added with MFnAnimCurve::addKeys to an existing flat curve do not update animation- Cached Playback : Crash during playback if smooth mesh divisions are animatedFoundation:- Paint Skin Weights Opacity and Value sliders are too short- Maya doesn't run on Debian 10 - missing MPointArray / MVectorArray class indexing returns a copy instead of a reference- Decimal places in the UI are rounded to 7 digits- New awBoost libraries do not have namespace 'awBoost'- Maya crashes when running code that manipulates MPlugs- shiboken2 module breaks Python error display in the script editor- Graph Editor : Curves are not displayed when opened through panel menu- Marking Menu Editor cannot be opened because hotkeyEditor.mel is missing from Mayascriptsstartup folderModeling:- Warp Image function result is broken- Maya freezes when creating expression if gameVertexCount plugin is loaded- Normal-based UV mapping fails with polyTexturePlacementPanel1 error when launched from UV Editor- Instance command does not copy transform values when called with a shape nodeMotion Graphics:- Error when importing "httplib2" module in MASH plugin- Referencing file that uses MASH without MASH loaded will add MashFilter in namespaceRigging:- Heavy falloff setup doesn't update properly- Wire deformer "Bind to original geometry" flag is brokenUI:- Graph Editor is blank after docking- Windows Multi-Touch Gestures no longer recognized in MayaUSD:- MayaUSD Point Snapping: When moving a pivot (such as rotate pivot) we WOULD like to snap to the selected objectViewport:- Maya crashes when enabling shadows for Xgen scene- GPU detection on Linux with non-standard displays creates Xorg.100.log file- Maya does not utilize texture file clamping with GLSL shaders- GPU Cache geometry doesn't respect Selection Highlighting- VP2.0 : Crash from IBL shader referencing a deleted render target- VP2.0 : Stereo cameras do not load in Viewport- VP2.0 : Double Sided OFF prevents back-face selectionAutodesk Maya 2022.1Fixed:Animation:- Parallel Evaluation : Toon Shader : Changing Lighting Based Width on outline has no effect- Keying quaternion rotation with auto-key generates wrong values- Cached Playback : IFF image planes do not display using Arnold renderer- BlendShape targets with no delta information do not evaluate on GPU- Image Planes: Aspect Ratio doesn't respect aspect ratio of image- Cached Playback : EXRs in imagePlane get darker on playback- Crash manipulating eye target controller- Devkit : simpleSimulationNode : Simulation jumps when interrupted and restarted- Animation Layer : Rig Constraint rotation does not work- Scaling keys in Graph Editor triggers CPU instead of GPU evaluation- Parallel Evaluation : Hard crash on file open with empty evaluation results- Left-dragging on Channel Box triggers CPU instead of GPU evaluation- Ctrl + Left-drag on Attribute Editor triggers CPU evaluation before GPU evaluationGeneral:- Enum Property doesn't retain selection when importing FBX file into MotionBuilder- PSD File Texture node not updating in VP2 when switching layers- Unable to rebind Show Hotbox and Hide Hotbox hotkeys to the same hotkey (press/release)Foundation:- The default values for vectorArray dynamic attributes are not saved- Mac: Paint weights or sculpt brush cursor overlay disappears after toggling panes- Crash when importing Catia .cgr file- Fix missing pyside2-uic and pyside2-rcc.exe files in PySide 5.15.1 artifact- Python 3: Random result or crash when accessing Python API 2.0 arrays with out of range or negative index- File export time increases with scene complexity between Maya 2019 and 2020- buildconfig file in devkit still uses -std=c++11- Unable to re-dock all floating windows on KDE- Saved preset for Game Exporter does not include attribute includeChildren- MAYA_CER_INCLUDE_SCENE_NAME can send incorrect file name- Mac: Maya disappears and starts beeping when activating the hotbox in OSX Fullscreen mode- Python 3: Error in Maya with Python 3 when exporting and importing XGen presetsModeling:- Bake Pivot is slow on large meshes- Scale Tool Reset does not restore axis mode back to Object- UV Unfold not working correctly unless transforms are frozen- UV linking broken if object has the same name in another hierarchy- Sculpting: Regression in performance from 2019Rendering:- OCIOv2: context variable in LUT search path doesn't work- OCIOv2: Maya fails to start if unresolved context variables are presentRigging:- Morph with ComponentMatch cause Maya to freeze while saving- Variable definition error in Bezier handles & CVs don't work with Component Tags- Deleting originalShape will crash Maya on GPU- Maya crashes using InvertShape on nurbSurfaceUI:- "-columnWidth" of scriptTable command can't be set to less than 42- UI Scaling: Checkboxes display incorrectly with scaling set to 150%- USD:- USD Point Snapping snaps to incorrect instance- GitHub #1340] Mute layer doesn't work when a Layer is loaded through Load Sublayer- GitHub #900] Viewport highlighting does not work as expected for invisible instances- xformOp:transform creates an incorrect object space- GitHub #1388] Standard Surface materials exporting IOR with incorrect values- GitHub #1316] Layer Editor save icon missing when Interface Scaling is 125%- UFE Camera changes to reflect external data model's value on import- GitHub #951] Incorrect Viewport selection for "bounds" drawMode- GitHub #327] VP2RenderDelegate: Support per-instance data via inheritance- Cannot viewport frame USD prims with proxy purposeViewport:- OGS plug-in path should prefer MAYA_LOCATION over exe path- GPU Cache with Offset Parent Matrix doesn't live update in Viewport- Default locator VP2 support doesn't allow plug-in to provide subscene override- VP2: Image Plane + Quad Draw makes object disappear- VP2: MSceneRender always rendering selection highlight even though it is not set in the MSceneFilterOption (kRenderPostSceneUIItems is disabled)- Crash when hiding custom manipulators in ShowManips tool- ationAutodesk Maya 2021- Change log not available for this versionAutodesk Maya 2020.3Fixed:Animation:- Hotbox controls set to animation only shows rigging and animation after restart MAYA-106202- Caching : Crash selecting audio track in Camera Sequencer MAYA-104674- Caching : Temporary values remain when time is advanced MAYA-104932- Evaluation Toolkit: Printing scheduling type for a node is broken MAYA-104710- EM manipulation not working when some channels do not have keys MAYA-105404- toggleEvaluationManagerManipulation() method is missing MAYA-106614- Unable to open Expression Editor if Preferences become corrupt MAYA-105976- Rigs incorrect with Stepped tangents, Prevent frame skipping disabled and Smoothed meshes MAYA-105433- NodeEditor: GraphEditorInfo node shows in node editor when saving MAYA-106054- Error occurs after changing input deformer order of geometry when another instance of maya launched MAYA-106028- Blend Shape: No error message when creating a Blend Shape on the wrong node MAYA-106043- Manipulating keys not visible in GraphEditor window causes crash MAYA-105892- Blend Shape outputs are not listed in the Channel box outputs MAYA-106671- Channel Box history breaks on shared lattices MAYA-106453- Graph Editor: "Only scale selected keys" in Scale Keys Tool not working MAYA-105497- findRelatedSkinClusters does not work with full paths MAYA-106164- Camera Sequencer loses audio sync when offset, source start/end of audio node are animated MAYA-104359- Time Editor : Crash when adding more than 127 single channel animated nodes MAYA-104800- Time Editor : Bake to Scene with multiple clips selected causes errors MAYA-105470- MFnAnimCurve causes keys to display as altered MAYA-104908- Caching: Maya 2012 rig opened in 2019/2020 exhibits skinning artifacts MAYA-104866- Grab tool makes Blend Shapes jump to approximated points MAYA-105776- Parallel Evaluation : Geometry explodes into shapes starting from the freeFormFilletSrf node MAYA-106413- Parallel Evaluation : Make Curve Dynamic Crash in - awnSolver::nDynamicalComplex::comp_kdop_trees MAYA-105904- Parallel Evaluation : Crash playing back scenes with concurrent unit conversions MAYA-106004- Crash when rotating poly plane geometry that has proxpin constraint MAYA-104680FBX:- Importing certain FBX files from Adobe Fuse with blend shapes crashes Maya 2020 MAYA-104915- Open or Import of FBX files in 2020 crashes Maya. MAYA-105046- Foundation:- Incorrect RUNPATH in Maya libs on Linux MAYA-106195- 3 extra zeroes get added to float values when editing in AE, if decimal separator is a comma (i.e. via German OS Region setting) MAYA-105206- OpenMaya function MItMeshVertex.getNormal crashes Maya MAYA-106422- Qt: Error when compiling QT devkit plugins on Mac because of full Qt lib paths generated by qmake MAYA-105617- Crash on startup if user install of PySide2 interferes with Maya MAYA-106332- Dragging the points of a color ramp control created by "gradientControlNoAttr" changes the color in the control. MAYA-105914- Cannot load plug-ins which has dot "." in the names via "requires" statement. MAYA-104060- Maya 2020 shiboken2 is missing dependency: MAYA-106425- Auto-save is not skipped if there were no changes since previous user save or auto-save MAYA-106560- Calling thisMObject from a MPxManipContainer crashes Maya MAYA-105729- MacOS crash when hovering over an area that should trigger a Toolclip MAYA-106428- Maya crashes when hovering mouse over Toolbox with setup of GL version

Autodesk Maya 2018.5 Win x64 Mac


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