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COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 Full Fixed Version: The Ultimate Multiphysics Modeling Software with a Brand


Watch the release highlights video to find out what multiphysics modeling news COMSOL 4.4 brings you.With this version of COMSOL Multiphysics, we present you with a brand new user interface (UI) to redefine your modeling process, streamline your workflow, and enhance your modeling experience. The Windows UI of the COMSOL Desktop includes a ribbon for easier access to your modeling tools and a clearer view of your simulation workflow. A new Mixer Module has also been added to the product suite as an add-on to the CFD Module, and new functionality has been added to the Electrical, Mechanical, Fluid, Chemical, Multipurpose, and Interfacing products.After viewing the video, explore the complete details of COMSOL 4.4 on theRelease Highlights page.

COMSOL Multiphysics 4.4 Full Fixed Version

COMSOL Multiphysics is built and tested with the above C/C++ compilers. Please note that later versions of those C/C++ compilers may also be compatible with the external C interfaces. When using the COMSOL API for use with Java API in client/server mode with the jar files listed in /bin/comsolclientpath.txt, JRE 8 and 11 are supported. When using the COMSOL API for use with Java API in standalone mode with the jar files listed in /bin/comsolpath.txt, JRE 11 is supported.

3.1. The Adaptive Remeshing Process. The finite element method isused to solve multiphysics problems in complex geometries [13]. It is basedon the subdivision of the computational domain into elements, constitutingthe mesh. The accuracy of the solution depends on both the shape and thequality of the meshing of the domain. To reach a given accuracy of thesolution, a remeshing loop increases the number of elements in regions of[OMEGA] where the physical solution exhibits high gradients. At the sametime, the density of elements decreases in regions of slight variations ofthe solution. Nevertheless the total number of elements is always increasingfrom a step of remeshing to the next one, the minimum size of elements beingfixed to capture the variations of the solution. For example, inelectromagnetism, the minimum size of elements must be smaller than afraction of the wavelength. However the calculation on a heavier meshingrequires more memory and more computational time. Hence, the number ofremeshing steps required to reach a given accuracy is a critical parameter.Therefore the stop criterion for the remeshing loop is the stability of thenumber of elements: the calculation stops when the relative evolution [delta]of the number of elements [N.sub.i] from a step i to the next one is notgreater than 10%: 2ff7e9595c

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