Integration of multidisciplinary data from a variety of field projects is particularly critical to the timely and accurate understanding of the rapid changes that are now underway in the Arctic. The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Joint Office for Science Support (JOSS) is involved in the data management support for a number of ARCSS field projects both domestic and international including SHEBA (Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean), ATLAS (Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System), ITEX (International Tundra Experiment), SBI (Shelf-Basin Interactions) and ARCMIP (Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project). In addition, work is underway at JOSS on committees and programs to further improve the collection, archival, display and dissemination of Arctic data.JOSS has worked with the Science Management Offices, Project Offices and investigators to support their ongoing project efforts while fostering a consistent data management strategy that makes sense for the project science objectives. This includes the specification of a data policy, consideration of data format and documentation guidelines that maximize the ease of data exchange and archival.Data access and archival are handled through a data management system that offers scientists a means to submit their data, identify and download other datasets of interest, display selected datasets on-line, and update datasets and documentation as necessary during the life of the project. During intensive field collection periods an on-line field catalog is supported by JOSS to provide interactive access to common datasets of interest and allow sharing of preliminary data and analyses among project scientists. Finally JOSS provides support where appropriate for project scientists with the integration of their datasets for education and outreach through the compilation of special CD-ROMs. An example of this is the Ivotuk CD-ROM currently being compiled by investigators in the ATLAS project. JOSS works with the project scientists to define the scope and requirements and produce the CD-ROM.
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The Unaami Data Collection is a set of 85 multi-disciplinary time series which represent pan-Arctic changes over the last 25 years. It includes fisheries, biological, terrestrial, oceanic, sea ice, atmospheric and climate index data. The name Unaami derives from the Yup'ik word for "tomorrow", as used in the Science Plan for Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH). The Unaami Data Collection is available through a website offering interactive access to graphics, metadata, simple correlation matrix calculations and data download, at 2ff7e9595c